I overheard someone today, I'm not saying who because that would be mean and something I would totally do. But he came out with the statement... "global warming does not exist" What? are you kidding me? Is this what they are telling people on Fox News these days? Saying that global warming does not exist is like saying that the Holocaust didn't happen, or that Margarine is better than butter, it's just stupid.
Disclaimer: this statement comes from someone who also believes that immigrants are the cause for his wife's inability to receive Social Security, and not because she never worked. So already his mind has clearly gone.
We are currently working to rectify this problem.
Home again Home again . . .
On Saturday we made the 2 hour drive through the hills of Rawanda from
Ruhnegeri to the capital city of Rawanda. We left our stuff in a friend’s
hotel room...
15 years ago