Childhood would not be complete if elementary school did not include recess tetherball. The tetherball used to sit lonely, a solitary pole with a ball hanging limply from a string until slowly it was discovered and the fight for the tetherball was on. Once recess began, you would have to sprint to the tetherball to form a line where next in line plays the previous winner. It was great fun, the only problem was, the tetherball became a catalyst to form the popular vs. non-popular groups. Your social status was based on your form, overall score and ability to "talk shit". Only the strong survived at tetherball. Adverse to conflict I had to abandon tetherball for things that were less exciting, like the tire swing.
2 important opinions:
this game was nothing until Napolean Dynamite made it cool... "You wanna play me?"
You probably didn't miss much - I don't think that anyone knew the rules to tetherball. Maybe it doesn't actually have rules.
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