I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

May 14, 2005

Purple Rain

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
My second completely knitted doll to date. I'm thinking I should do this for a living. As you can see this is Prince from his Purple Rain cover. He was a gift to my friend Jessica since I am moving several states away and will no longer be able to join her and Suzy for OC night. I was a bit sad to part with this little guy, he turned out so well from his frilly collar and over sized lapel to his huge head of hair. I am proud of him and will gladly take orders. You can also see my other doll Joey Ramone here I wanna be knitted

1 important opinions:

Anonymous said...

How much? If you post this on prince.org you could probably make a mint with the amount of requests!!! People were talking about this doll you made and wanted one.