I also have always liked the monster within idea. I like the zombies being us. Zombies are the blue-collar monsters.

-George A. Romero-

Feb 10, 2005

It's Thurday!

Originally uploaded by Frankiepancakes.
It's Thurday again, this is a great day for many, mainly Jessica and Suzy. But they grew up addicted to 90210. There is no need to explain the OC to anyone, I'm sure it's well known to a great many, and has not yet been cancelled which is a big thing since this is a show airing on FOX and is neither a show titled "When Houshold Goldfish Attack part 3" or a reality show where where the world dumbest but well developed people are on some island resort (since they have no real jobs and can do this) and they fight about who is the bigger slut. The OC is our Thursday ritual. Since last year I have been watching this show with Jessica while we made pasta, mmmm pasta. now we view it at Suzy's apartment which is the coolest trip into the 80's. Bright walls and Prince and David Bowie everything, mmmm Bowie. Can't say I'm a fan of the Point Pleasant that comes on the tele after the OC, I've seen the Omen 1,2 & 3, I'm not impressed with a series featuring actors with the skill of a postage stamp, and God possesed lighthouses, yeah, I got nothing. I am however up for a game of Mario Tennis.

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